What we do

Welcome to the Centre for Obesity Management, a public service run by the HSE. We are a consultant-led service specialising in management of the disease of obesity. We accept referrals from GPs and other health care professionals. 

Our aim is to support you to improve your overall well-being and to help you achieve your best health outcomes. Our focus is on improving health, quality of life and managing weight in a realistic way over the longer term. We aim to empower you to lead a happy and healthy life in which you can fully participate.

During your time within the service we will explore the best treatment options for you as an individual. These may include embedding positive lifestyle habits into your day-to-day routines, mental health support, obesity medications, inpatient rehabilitation and bariatric surgery.

Understanding obesity as a disease. This video describes the most up-to-date and informed way to understand the disease of Obesity.

Some patients attending the SCH COM service may be offered an Inpatient Rehabilitation Programme in the Sunflower Suite.
This video is an introduction and short description of the Programme.

Patient resource videos

Below is a playlist of information that we share with patients during their first appointment with the team.

Many patients have said that it is useful to re-watch some or all of the videos at various stages of their journey.