Attending our service
Preparing for your visit - Useful information
Attending your appointment:
We understand you may occasionally need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible by phone: 01 2115243, or email: . Letting us know you cannot attend in advance allows us to offer the appointment to another person.
If you need to cancel your appointment we will offer you an alternative, however repeated cancelations or missed appointments without any notice may result in your discharge from the service. Re-referral will be needed if you wish to re-attend the service.
If you have difficulties attending your appointments please let us know and our Social Worker may be able to help you address these.
To fast or not to fast?
We try to avoid asking people to come fasting. If you are asked to arrive fasting, you should bring a snack with you to eat after the blood test or other test, when one of the team tells you that it is ok to eat.
If you are fasting for a blood test you can still drink water, and it is important to be well hydrated or it can be harder for the doctor or nurse to find a vein to do the blood test.
Medications list
It is good to always have a copy of your current medications list. You can ask your pharmacist for a list and take a photo so it is on your phone. You can do this again if your medications list changes.
Getting here- Useful information
The Center for Obesity Management is located in
St Columcille’s Hospital,
Bray Road,
Co Dublin
The eircode is D18 V9K1

Detailed information on walking from the front door of the hospital to your appointment is available on our website here.
For information on walking from the main car park or how to access the drop off area see below.
Plan your trip
We know attending appointments can be daunting when you are living with the disease of obesity. To help you plan your trip please see our video on how to access our centre:
Below is a map showing the directions from the video
Getting to the small car park/ drop off area
There is a small car park with limited spaces right in front of the Centre for Obesity Management reception, This car park is mainly for blue badge holders or for people with limited mobility, this can also be used as a drop off area as it is closer than the main car park. There is no pay and display machine in this area, however parking can be paid using the Park Magic app, or any pay and display machine on hospital grounds. To access this car park, take the second exit at the small roundabout at the entrance to the hospital and follow the road.

Directions to and from bus stop
If you are coming from Dublin via bus the nearest bus stop is St Columcilles Hospital stop 3135
If you are travelling from Heuston Station the 145 bus will bring you to this bus stop
If you follow the blue line on the map below you will see the walk over the bridge and into the hospital grounds,
Many patients have suggested that the easiest walk to the Center for Obesity Management outpatient clinic is to walk in through the main hospital down the main corridor and out past the prefabs (follow the yellow line). Further information on this walk is available on this page of our website. Walking directions from front of hospital.
After getting off the bus walk southbound to the bridge.
The bridge has a wheelchair accessible ramp on both sides.
When you come off the bridge you will be right beside the main hospital grounds.
Walk past the house on the left and into main reception.
If you turn to the right you will see a long corridor, there is a number of benches and chairs that you can sit and rest, at the end of the corridor you will walk outside and see an old church building, we are to the left behind this building.