Supporting movement

Supporting Movement (HCPs) 

Obesity is not caused by low physical activity levels but rather obesity causes low physical activity levels. 

The disease of obesity erodes an individual’s ability to engage in regular, every day movement. Health care professionals need to be mindful of the reasons why movement can be challenging for people living with obesity. These can include:

  • Cardiorespiratory limitations
  • Pain
  • Psychological Barriers
  • Experiencing Weight Stigma
  • Other health complications (hypertension, sleep apnoea, T2DM etc.)
  • Lower limb oedema/ recurrent cellulitis


Obesity is a chronic disease and is not “cured” by “moving more”. When discussing physical activity and movement with patients it is important to shift the focus from weight loss and instead focus on the real value of physical activity, which includes:

  • Improving fitness, strength, sleep and quality of life
  • Reducing anxiety and stress
  • Lowering risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers


Any amount of movement is better than none, and with any amount of movement comes health benefits. 

It is essential to take a collaborative approach when discussing physical activity and movement. Work together with the person living with obesity to explore how movement or activity can fit into their day.  More information around movement can be found here 

For more information about monthly “Movement Club” in collaboration with the ICPO please contact