Social Work Support & Resources

Social Work in the Center for Obesity Management 

Patients attending the service can request a referral to the Social Worker, the Social Worker will contact the patient to discuss the reason for referral, and if this is something that Social Work can support with or may direct the person to another more relevant support. 
The Social Work support and resources page is regularly updated with useful information and resources. Please continue to check this page for updates.

For information on how you may be able to claim 20% back on your medical expenses click the link below:

Tax relief on medical and health expenses

Anyone living in Ireland and intends to live here for at least 1 year can for the Drugs Payment Scheme (DPS) Card.

There is no means test for a DPS card.

This scheme caps the amount you and your family pays per month for approved prescribed drugs and medication, it also covers the rental costs for a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and the rental costs of oxygen. 

You can apply online – here

Depending on your circumstances you may qualify for a medical card or a GP visit card.

The means assessment for a GP visit card changed in 2023 and more people now meet the criteria for a means assessed GP visit card. you can find out more information here

If you get Carers Benefit or Allowance you qualify for a GP visit card without a means assessment. see more information here.

You may not qualify for a medical card based on the means test. But if you have medical expenses, you may qualify for a discretionary medical card.

A discretionary medical card gives you the same services as a means-tested medical card. You can find more information here

Information on traveling to your appointment is available here.

If you are unable to attend your appointment due to difficulties with transport or costs associated with attending your appointment you may meet the criteria for an additional needs payment. Application’s for this payment can be made online through or to your local community welfare officer. More information can be found here

Where we live can impact our health. Some patients may wish to speak to the Social Worker around their housing situation for advice or guidance. While the Social Worker is unable to provide housing they may be able to support the person to access the right supports for their situation.    

Some useful information around housing can be found on the citizens information website here.