The Centre for Obesity Management is just outside the main hospital. If parking in the main car park follow the directions in our video here.
If you arrive by public transport walking through the hospital is the safest and fastest way to get to the Centre for Obesity Management. There is also a number of places to stop and sit down.
If someone is dropping you off or you are arriving by taxi, there is a small car park with drop off area beside the clinic that can be accessed by going straight through the roundabout at the front of the hospital and then follow the road around to the left and the clinic is just beside the church building.
Below is some information for those walking through the main hospital.

This is the door at the main entrance to the hospital, there is a ramp from the road with a railing and there is a bench on each side the ramp.
After you walk through the main entrance you will see a sign with directions to each department, follow the sign that says ‘All other departments’.
You will then follow a straight corridor until you reach the back door. There is some seating along the corridor, there is a comfortable chair about half way along the corridor outside the physiotherapy department.
If you have a rollator with a seat there is plenty of room to move to the side and sit down along your journey.
There is also a bench right outside the back door, walk out the door. down the ramp and its on the right hand side, tucked away between buildings.

Back door
Bench on the right hand side

From the back door follow the blue path.
At the end of the blue path you will see the drop off point and small car park. Follow the blue path to the yellow path.
At the end of the yellow path turn to the right for ‘Endocrine Reception’. – This is where outpatient clinic appointments are held for the Centre for Obesity Management.

You have arrived at reception. There is a ramp to the reception with a railing on the side, or a set of three steps.
Some of the photos make the journey look longer than it is, but give yourself plenty of time and take rest breaks as needed.
We are constantly updating our website – please let us know if any additional information or changes would improve these directions.